Download "HILLS AND VALLEYS" by Julius Tunde Ige

Julius Tunde Ige is a young Poet. A Student of Mass Communication Department, Kwara State Polythenic Ilorin, Kwara State. One of the best Inspirational and Motivational Writer you can ever imagine. He is also a Music Writer. This is what he has to say about His new Book tittled " HILLS and VALLEYS"
I've been doing a work which I decided to keep low-key until am done with it. At first, I wanted to release it on Valentine's Day but fate didn't permit. However, I met with Fate and after a long time together, the tussle of "who rules", accompanied with exams that are with me already, I looked fate in the face and assured it my work would be out before the Valentine month runs out. ------------------------- Enough of the talking ! What am trying to say is that my book is out. So those of you that though nothing good can come out of "Israel", come and see! It's a poetry book sha, captioned "HILLS AND VALLEYS"
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