If U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald
Trump wins the election in November, it would
be problematic for the entire world and
encourage copycats in Europe, European
Parliament President Martin Schulz told a
German magazine.
“Trump is not only a problem for the EU but also
for the whole world,” Schulz said in an interview
with Der Spiegel publishedonline on Thursday.
“If a man who shows off by not having a clue
and by saying that specialist knowledge is elitist
rubbish ends up in the White House, a critical
point will have been reached,” said Schulz, a
German centre-left Social Democrat.
Such a scenario would mean that there is an
“obviously irresponsible man” sitting in a position
that demands the utmost sense of responsibility,
Schulz said.
He added that he was concerned that Trump
getting into power would spur on copycats in
Europe. “That’s why I want Hillary Clinton to
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