A man is suing Samsung after his phone,
Galaxy Note 7 exploded and scorched his
groin while he was sleeping.
According to the man Michael Taylor who
spoke to TMZ, his new Galaxy Note 7 blew
up and caught fire on his bed in the dead of
night. Taylor says the hotline burned his
crotch, legs and sheets.
In the docs, obtained by TMZ, he says he
had no idea the phone had a defective
battery susceptible to overheating and
exploding. About a month after he bought it,
he was charging the phone overnight
and says he woke up to find it “shooting
flames” … which caused 1st, 2nd and 3rd
degree burns.
Samsung had issued a recall earlier in
September — before the alleged fire — but
Michael says the phone should never have
been sold to him in the first place.
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